Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Me and Bob!

Bob can't see, but that didn't stop him from posing perfectly with me.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm going South!

Ingrid's friend Dan took some of my stickers with him on a road trip. Here's a Tony sticker on the Mason-Dixon line!

Thanks Dan!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Hey I finally got to meet Ingrid's friend Dan, aka Macwagen, from Flickr. She's known him online for more than four years, but she'd never met him in person. Can you imagine? How can you really know someone without being able to sniff them?

Anyway, Dan smelled good to me, a real dog lover, and you know I can tell. I went around to some of the other tables, and some guy gave me a french fry and Ingrid flipped out and came over and said I had to come back and sit with her. Wet blanket.

Don't we look cute? We both have beards.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Hey so tonight was the first meeting of the BTNYC group. It's this thing Ingrid started to get other Border Terriers that live in the city together. For what, I'm sure I don't know. There was a puppy who was a little full of himself, but I put him straight right away. Then another one showed up, but I ignored her and she ignored me so Ok.

Here we are ignoring each other, but notice how I'm getting loving from her person. That's what I do. All the ladies love Tony. Oh, yeah.